Using horses at wedding ceremonies is ABUSIVE and CRUEL: PETA

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) educate people about animal exploitation and promotes the humane treatment of animals. PETA works under the simple belief that animals are not ours to eat, wear and use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way.

It appears that people are not at all happy with PETA's tweet and  PETA is trending on Twitter since morning because of people's reactions to this tweet. A Twitter user reacted to PETA's tweet,

"Riding horses for polo is cool! Riding horses for race is elite!

Riding horses for policing is civil!

But.. riding horsea for wedding is cruel!!

If bigotry was institutionalized, it ll be known as "PETA" as they only exist for targeting Hindu festivals and traditions!."

Another Twitter user wrote, " Riding is Abusive and Cruel - Slaughtering is PETA"



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